Join us at Field Trip NM for this transformative, four-day immersive River Flow Camp! From our luxe base on the banks of the Pecos River, we’ll be exploring what water and wilderness can teach us about living—and writing—in flow.
I’m thrilled to announce that will be joined for an afternoon and evening by my dear friend, world-renowned bestselling author, and longtime Zen practicioner Natalie Goldberg, whose new book, Writing on Empty, will be published in July. This is a fantastically special opportunity to practice with truly one of the wisest writing teachers living today. Writing with Natalie changed my life and I know it will change yours!
Kelly Burns, yoga teacher extraordinaire, literary advocate, somatics coach, and inclusivity ally will be leading us through a joyful daily yoga practice. Each one of Kelly’s yoga classes tells a story, leading us on a journey into our physical selves and our imaginations, the outer world and our inner landscapes.. On and off the mat, Kelly radiates joy, positivity, and flow. Trust me, you do NOT want to miss this! For more on Kelly’s beautiful, badass self, click here.